Bub Hub is a creative arts programme for learning disabled adults. Members are supported to work together on art projects and in the production of Bubble Club music events. The group decide the themes of the events and what kind of entertainment they want to see. They make artwork for the flyers and they make the decorations. This projects suits people with learning disabilities who have an interest in art and music and would benefit from taking part in group projects where they get to meet other people and be part of a creative, functioning and dynamic team.
If someone would like to join up, please get in touch.
Email: info@bubbleclub.org
If there is availability, we will arrange a taster session where they can drop in on one of our usual sessions and take part to see what they think.
To book a place on the Bub Hub workshop programme please register your interest here:
What happens at the workshops:
REVIEWS - Whats going well and what needs improving
PLANNING - Discussing new ideas
DESIGN - Creating images to use on flyers and online
CRAFT - Making sculptures and decor for up and coming events